Clean N Klean
Available in Auckland, New Zealand
Eco-Friendly, kind, honest and spotless
Home cleaning service
020 4265 987

Our Services
Regular cleaning
Weekly or fortnightly cleaning to keep your house tidy and fresh. Regular cleaning is good for helping avoid allergies and spreading germs. Let us keep your house nice and tidy so you can sleep easier at night.
Please note a deep cleaning is required for the first appointment
Starting from $79
*Please note GST not included
Deep cleaning
Deep cleaning can make your home a healthier environment by getting rid of dirt, dust, and other junk. It also makes it look and smell fresh and clean.
Deep cleaning typically takes longer than a general cleaning service, especially if you schedule a deep cleaning for your entire home. It involves lots of detail work, which takes more effort.
More intensive clean than the regular weekly or fortnightly clean. We will focus on the often-neglected areas getting into every nook and cranny.
Starting from $139
*Please note GST not included
Move in/out cleaning
Let us take out the hassle of cleaning when your moving in or out of your home
Move in/out cleaning is more thorough than a standard home clean, and takes longer to complete. It’s designed to thoroughly clean a property before new tenants move in. Cleaning of kitchen appliances and white goods is included as standard in a move in/out clean, and the cleaners will move furniture to clean beneath.
Starting from $169
*Please note GST not included
After party
We will clean your mess while your sleeping off that hangover!
We assure to make your place beautiful again for another amazing party. Don’t hesitate to be the host every time because we are always here to clean up the after-party mess at pocket-friendly prices. Our professionals always ensure a satisfied customer and a clean place, no matter how wild the house-party was.
Starting from $129
*Please note GST not included
Office cleaning
Busy working offices get dirty quickly and become cluttered due to high footfall and the demands of a busy working environment. A daily clean keeps your office feeling fresh, welcoming and looking professional.
**Please note GST not included and price on request

Our products are eco-friendly and vegan-friendly. Celebrating our love for protecting the planet because we care about you, your family and pets.
is a freshly cleaned house

About Us
Our company established by Nap (Naphatsanan) who is very service-minded and has 6 years in cleaning experience.
Welcome to Clean N Klean if you are looking for someone to clean your house choose us! We can help you to clean your house and make it feel like a brand new home. Our team is small, friendly, trustworthy and professional. Let us help you out with cleaning and I’m sure you will be pleased.
How It Works
Contact us through our form or by email/ phone
We will let you know how much it will cost
Decide the date and time
Our team will come and clean your house for you
Contact us
Working Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9am – 5pm
Call us on
020 4265987